Projetos Sustentáveis

Iniciativas que promovem a colaboração e a permacultura.

woman reading book while sitting on chair
woman reading book while sitting on chair
Cuidar Pessoas

Princípios de cuidado e respeito à comunidade.

four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset
four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset
Cuidar Ambiente

Soluções para preservar nosso planeta e biodiversidade.

people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime
people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime
white and black Together We Create graffiti wall decor
white and black Together We Create graffiti wall decor
Gerar Abundância

Projetos que visam a prosperidade e sustentabilidade.

Comunidade Unida

Fortalecendo laços e promovendo a colaboração entre todos.

Exploring New Ways
to Live and Learn

Founded in 2021, during the global Covid-19 crisis, EcoviLAB started as a collaborative space to explore more sustainable ways of living. We're an ecovillage lab that promotes permaculture, environmental education, and fair resource sharing. Our aim is to learn from the land and from each other, creating a healthier and more connected future for everyone.


4 years

of the project and over 30 cultural events, community workdays, workshops, retreats, and more.

Followers, supporters, partners, guests, clients, and visitors